The guys and I went to see Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs this weekend at the Pacific Science Center. It was incredible. The voice of Indiana Jones himself introduced us to the exhibit. The space was crowded but well-ventilated with dim ambient lighting allowing for the displays to be brightly (though not harshly) lighted for maximum awesomeness. Everything was shiny and bright. The displays were such that in some instances you could look closely at the object from all angles, as they were encased in glass boxes. To be mere inches from antiquity and be able to see the tool marks from the artisans was breath-taking. I think I spent most of the time with my mouth agape. Most of the larger statues and busts were open, with signs instructing the visitor to not touch and tiny ropes to keep the visitor at a safe distance. The bright colors and the shimmering gold reminded me of flipping through National Geographic as a kid, except the stuff in the pictures was right in front of me! Just incredible.
One of the more memorable displays was the latrine/toilet seat. It was nearly indistinguishable in form and function from the toilet seats of today; the seat was square instead of round and made of stone. Amusing conversation starter for sure.
Though not inexpensive, I felt the money was very well-spent. This is definitely an experience that the boys will remember.